
D.C. Leaders in Law – Justice Matters Article
The defense attorneys of Boyle & Jasari have handled some of the most high-stakes, high-profile cases you’ve never heard of—which is exactly how their clients prefer it. “We help resolve cases quickly and quietly, which clients very much appreciate,” says cofounder Dennis Boyle, whose firm is renowned for white-collar criminal justice, particularly in international affairs.
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The Capitol Riot Cases – Dennis Boyle’s Statement Before the D.C. District Court
On September 23, 2022, Dennis Boyle presented the following argument during a sentencing hearing on behalf of his client. This client accepted responsibility and pleaded guilty to the offenses he was charged with for his actions on January 6th.
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Boyle & Jasari welcomes new Associate, Andrew H. Meck, Esq.
Boyle & Jasari is pleased to announce that Andrew H. Meck joined the firm in September as an Associate. Mr. Meck was admitted to the Delaware Bar in January 2022 and the Delaware Federal Bar in June 2022. From August 2021 to August 2022, he served as a Judicial Law Clerk in the Delaware Superior Court under The Honorable Ferris W. Wharton.
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Kosovo Specialist Chambers
Blerina Jasari was interviewed by a Kosovar newspaper (Nacionale) about the Kosovo Specialist Chambers. The full interview was made available on June 18th, 2022, and is available on
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Honduran Former President Faces Trial In New York Federal Court
On April 22, 2022, former Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez (JOH) made his appearance at his first virtual court hearing in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. He is being charged with three counts…
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OFAC Concealed Important Information from Justice: It Destroyed the Sanctions Criminal Case
(Russian Language Publication) Impressive story of an Iranian investor doing global business and coming under the scrutiny of the sanctions authorities. Lawyers explain why this might be interesting for Russian citizens who are at different stages of criminal prosecution for violations of sanctions and export control rules in the United States.
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The Biden Administration’s Policy Toward Central America and the Challenges Posed by Corruption
President Biden is not a stranger to Central America. As Vice-President, he met with Central American leaders in an effort to strengthen ties between the United States and the region. As a candidate for President, he has announced an ambitious plan for Central America, particularly the Northern Triangle of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.
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U.S. Seizes over $1 Billion Dollars in Silk Road Case
It has been five years since that iconic character from my daughter’s favorite childhood movie, the Dread Pirate Roberts, was sentenced to life in prison for the piratical life he led. Not really. But it has been five years since Ross Ulbricht, a/k/a “The Dread Pirate Roberts,” a/k/a DPR, was sentenced to life in prison for operating the Silk Road, a darknet market website where illegal narcotics, firearms and other forms of contraband were bought and sold using a secure web browser known as Tor.
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Former Mexican Defense Minister Arrested for Drug Trafficking in the United States
Sanctions are a powerful tool in the United States’ foreign policy arsenal. Under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA), the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), armed with only an executive order, has the power to designate individuals, corporations, organizations or even countries as “Specially Designated Nationals” (SDNs) thereby prohibiting “U.S. persons” from engaging in financial transactions with the SDN.
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The “China Initiative”: The U.S. Department of Justice’s Country Specific Focus on the People’s Republic of China
Allegations by the American Administration of intellectual property theft emanating from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) are not new. In June2018, the White House Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy issued a report entitled “How China’s Economic Aggression Threatens the Technologies and Intellectual Property of the United States and the World.”
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Who is a “U.S. Person?” Are there any limits to American Jurisdiction Under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act?
Sanctions are a powerful tool in the United States’ foreign policy arsenal. Under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA),1 the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), armed with only an executive order, has the power to designate individuals, corporations, organizations or even countries as “Specially Designated Nationals” (SDNs) thereby prohibiting “U.S. persons” from engaging in financial transactions with the SDN.
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American Sanctions: The Reality of Criminal Prosecution and What the Case of Oleg Nikitin Teaches
(Russian Language Publication) This article discusses the Indictment of a Russian national, Oleg Nitikin for violations of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA), a statute that by its own terms applies to “U.S. persons”.
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Rabobank Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy Charge, Agrees to Forfeit $368 Million
The article reports on Rabobank’s recent guilty plea to conspiracy and discusses criminal liability for money laundering. Rabobank had a weak compliance program that allowed the bank to capitalize on cash based customers operating along the U.S. Mexican border. Ultimately, however, the bank not only pled guilty; it also forfeited nearly $368 million dollars to the U.S. government.
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The Special Investigative Measures of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers: Are the Protections Adequate?
The article examines the adequacy of due process protections afforded by the Kosovar law creating the Kosovo Specialist Chambers.
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The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia closes but the Kosov Specialist Chamber has yet to Begin
Article (published in Albanian) discusses the closing of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the opening of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers. The two international tribunals both addressed war crimes arising out of the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia.
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The Right Experience
Article addresses the qualities that a client, particularly a client who is not located in the U.S. should look for when retaining white collar criminal counsel in the U.S.
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DOJ Edict Muddies Roles
Identifies issues with legal representation in corporate internal investigations.
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